viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010


By Ana Feijóo, Lorena Domingos and Martín Cid

Martes de Carnaval

16th February, 2010

Shrove Tuesday is the day before the beginning of Lent, when Christians stop eating some food. On Shrove Tuesday, because it is the last day before Lent, people eat a lot, specially cakes and nice food that they cannot eat again until Easter.

Vocabulary: translation and definition.

Lent: cuaresma. The period of 40 days before Easter, when Christians fast.

Easter: Semana Santa. The period of time in April or March when Christians remember the death of Jesus and celebrate his resurrection.

Fast: ayunar; ayuno. It commemorates the forty days Jesus spent in the desert.

Ash Wednesday: miércoles de ceniza. The first day of Lent.


  • Tradition. In Britain it is a tradition eating pancakes. This began when people had to use all the milk, butter and eggs because they couldn't eat this food during Lent.

  • Pancake races. On Shrove Tuesday there are pancake races in which people run carrying a pancake in a frying pan. The runner have to get the finishing line after throwing the pancake into the air from the pan and catching it again. They have to do this a pre-decided number of times.

  • The pancake recipe.

( the pancakes are similar to the Galician 'filloas'. You need the same ingredients)


Add: añadir; cook: cocinar; heat: calentar; let stand: dejar reposar; melt: derretir; mix: mezclar; put: poner; turn it over: dale la vuelta; whisk: batir

Bowl: cuenco; batter: mezcla; frying pan: sartén; ladle: cucharón; plate: plato; smooth: suave; spoonfuls: cucharadas.


8 oz plain flour .................... 200/220 g harina sin levadura

2 eggs ..................... 2 huevos

1 pint of milk ...................... 1/2 litro de leche

2 oz butter ...................... 50 g mantequilla

A pinch of salt ...................... una pizca de sal


Put the flour and salt into a bowl.

Add the eggs, then andd the milk and whisk until the batter is smooth.

Melt the butter

Add two spoonfuls of this butter into the batter and whisk it.

Let this stans for 30 minutes before cooking.

Heat the frying pan and add the batter with a ladle.

When it is brown, turn it over.

Then put the pancake on a plate. Now you can add golden syrup, jam, honey or caster sugar!

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