Shrove Tuesday(Martes de carnaval) This is the day before Lent and it is a day for people to eat the food that is forbbiden to eat during Lent. (See Pancake Day)
Mardi Gras. In some non-Roman Catholic countries this day is called Mardi Gras, and it is celebrated with a Carnival. In the US, the city of New Orleans celebrates the most famous Mardi Gras. There is drinking, dancing and a parade. Some historians think that Mardi Gras has its roots in ancient British rituals of fertility which celebrated that spring was coming.
( the pancakes are similar to the Galician 'filloas'. You need the same ingredients)
Add: añadir; cook: cocinar; heat: calentar; let stand: dejar reposar; melt: derretir; mix: mezclar; put: poner; turn it over: dale la vuelta; whisk: batir
Bowl: cuenco; batter: mezcla; frying pan: sartén; ladle: cucharón; plate: plato; smooth: suave; spoonfuls: cucharadas.
8 oz plain flour .................... 200/220 g harina sin levadura
2 eggs ..................... 2 huevos
1 pint of milk ...................... 1/2 litro de leche
2 oz butter ...................... 50 g mantequilla
A pinch of salt ...................... una pizca de sal
Put the flour and salt into a bowl.
Add the eggs, then andd the milk and whisk until the batter is smooth.
Melt the butter
Add two spoonfuls of this butter into the batter and whisk it.
Let this stans for 30 minutes before cooking.
Heat the frying pan and add the batter with a ladle.
When it is brown, turn it over.
Then put the pancake on a plate. Now you can add golden syrup, jam, honey or caster sugar!
The groundhog is an animal from North America. It is a small animal of the marmot family. It lives in holes in the ground, it eats wild grasses, berries, crops and insects. It enters into hibernation and lives from two to three years. It’s 40 cm to 60 cm long and it has got thick hair, small ears and a long tail.
The cult of Our Lady of Candelaria (Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria), popularly called La Morenita, celebrates the apparition of the Virgin Mary on the island of Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands. She is the patron saint of the Islands and her feast is celebrated on 2nd February.
Groundhog Day. In the U.S.A. The holiday, which began as a Pennsylvania German custom in southeastern and central Pennsylvania in the 18th and 19th centuries, has its origins in ancient European weather lore, wherein a badger or sacred bear is the prognosticator. According to the old stories the groundhog comes out of its hole on 2nd February for the first time since its hibernation (since winter began). If the groundhog sees its shadow, it is frightened and goes back to its hole. This means that there will be six more weeks of winter. If it is cloudy, it can’t see its shadow and there will be an early spring.
Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria. Our Lady of Candelaria. In Spain. There is a Galician proverb which says: ‘Se a Candelaria chora, o inverno vai fora. Se a Candelaria ri o inverno está por vir’. If Candelaria cries, winter is finishing. If Candelaria smiles, winter is coming.
La Candelaria in Spain and the Groundhog Day in U.S.A are both celebrated on February 2nd and both festivities involves weather prognostication. So, now you know: if it is cloudy or rainy on this day, spring is coming, but if it is sunny, cold winter days will come!